I have been thinking about new topics on how to make baseball great again. I wondered what attracts me as a consumer of baseball games to find new topic. Obviously cheerleader would be a HUGE plus (That's a good idea. I'm going to keep note of that.) but there are many other ways fans want to come to games. Then it hit me, what does every fan or consumer always want, free stuff. Many baseball franchises give away free stuff on "promotional" days to attract customers. But these only happen maybe 30 out of the 81 home games that are played. They sometimes have cool promotions such as free replica jerseys, free hats, or even free mini bats. Or they have real bad ones such as coolers, stickers, coupons, even a 10 cent beer day (Plautz). Baseball teams should give away stuff EVERY home game. Just give it to the first 10000 in attendance. Not first 25,000 to 30,000 fans. That way you can get more attendance while not losing money giving a lot of merchandise. Imagine having a promotion where you can get a free hat, you would be attracted to go. there is no one in this world that would say, " I hate to get free stuff." It is one of the few things in the world nobody hates. As a fan myself, I get attracted when I see a free hat giveaway, or a free jersey. I want to go to those games MORE than other games. Now imagine there are millions of me, and they all feel this way. But the promotion are 4 out of 5 games. I would have a reason why to go to those games more than the others. Ballparks attendance would go through the roof. More and more people would want to come to a game. Leading to a rise in attendance. This idea, I believe, will help make baseball great again.
Sources -
Plautz, Jason. "Five Ballpark Promotions That Went Wrong." Mental Floss. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 April 2016.