I wanted to use this source again because it had 20 IDEAS on how to help baseball. Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Jaffe had another good idea to bring more people to ballgames. DIFFERENT FOODS. The Dodger's are like a billion dollar franchise, couldn't they add like more types of food to games? Imagine instead of just cheeseburgers, hot dogs, peanuts, etc. They served tacos, noodles, sushi, etc. MLB franchises are very rich, they could use this to their advantage and get high quality foods of different varieties. People may not be attracted to baseball games because they don't like the food there. Or they don't like how "unhealthy" the food is at ballparks, they don't go. ADD HEALTHY ITEMS. With the growing bodies of America, people are worrying about their health more than before. Now imagine that there a quality salads, and healthy food choices. Imagine there is a stand for vegans and such.
"Every ballpark should spice things up by featuring an abundance of quality taco options for meat-lovers, vegetarians, even vegans, because unlike the mystery meat in those scary, processed hot dogs, you can see what's filling that tortilla." (Jaffe) Jaffe is thinking exactly as I am. The popularity would increase if people know that baseball over any sports serve quality food choices and not cheap meat. I mean, you can't go wrong with a Dodger dog, but not if the meat is a mix of everything wrong of an animal. With these healthier choices, more people would go to baseball games instead of other sporting events, increasing popularity. I say, more food choices increase popularity and helps save baseball
Sources- Jeffe, Jay. "20 Ways to Improve Baseball Right Now." Sports News, Scores and Highlights from Sports Illustrated. N.p., 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 12 May 2016.